Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hamlet Act I Scene II Questions

1. The scene is just how mopey Hamlet is. It starts off with the King giving orders to stop a war and allowing a person to go back to school. Once the king addresses Hamlet he whines under his breath. Later on he goes off on a rant about how the king is stupid. In all the boy whines and he goes to see his dad.

2. Act 1 Scene 2 Page 1 Sentence 2 Hamlet asks "Was he pale or flushed and red-faced?" Why is this important when talking about the state of the ghost of his father?  I feel like the play would be no different without it and it would progress the play a little faster by leaving this out.

4. "If it looks like my good father, I’ll speak to it, even if Hell itself opens up and tells me to be quiet. I ask you, if you’ve kept this a secret, keep doing so. Whatever happens tonight, don’t talk about it. I’ll return the favor. So good-bye for now. I’ll see you on the guards' platform between eleven and twelve tonight." It's the determination of seeing his father one last time that is really cool to me because he wants to see him one last time and maybe even find out what happens.

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