Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hamlet Act III Scene I

2. Rosencrantz said "He didn't ask questions, but answered ours at length." This says to me that when he is comfortable with other people he acts in a completely different way. Without this line the play would lose this little subtle play into the mind of Hamlet. 

4. Claudius says "How right he is! His words whip up my guilty feelings. The whore's pockmarked cheek made pretty with make-up is just like the ugly actions I'm disguising with fine words. What a terrible guilt I feel!" I enjoy this little mental note that Claudius makes because it shows something genuine from him and it gives the audience a better barometer of his character from himself and not just the talk of the others. 

6. Ophelia says "My lord, I have some mementos of yours that I've been meaning to give back to you for a long time now. Please take them." This shows Hamlet has shown his affection for Ophelia in not just a verbal way, but with a tangible item, but when Hamlet is confronted he says "No, it wasn't me. I never gave you anything." because he is trying to hide what he truly feels about her because he is behind a facade of being insane. 

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